Monday, March 7, 2011

Satisfaction ~ Bwahahahaah!

Perhaps it's the time of year (or my spastic short attention span) but I have been embarking on new territory. Spending many hours at many DIY craft events, I've begun to wonder if there is anything I CAN'T do myself. Does that sound cocky? well...I don't care. It's a great feeling to be playing with my craft, even when the results are unexpected. As I said in a workshop I taught last weekend, "everything good I have created has been the result of not following directions."
PhotobucketLately I have been doing detailed illustrations to put inside my jewelry. Combined with words, beading, resin and gems this becomes a tedious process. BUT I LOVE IT! The collage that results is very textured and satisfying to see and touch.
I've also begun doing only beading with fun skull beads and chains. (Something about Day Of The Dead Skulls..I dunno. Mega awesome.) On top of all this my mother is teaching me how to crochet (she's the master. I suck it hard in this area.)
I don't know about you, but when I'm mid-project(s) I feel electric. As though my hair is all crimped into an afro and I look joyfully insane. Here's to another week of living with a general sense of satisfaction. Thank G-d.